

Barry & Renee

This gorgeous couple is getting married on Saturday.  A great day for a pre wedding shoot and to scout all the spots at the lovely venue. See you guys Saturday.

Johlene & Deenash

Second time a did a couple shoot for this beautiful couple.  And a good opportunity for a family pic with their furry children.  Love you guys.


                                     Daphne, Harold & Kinga

We met this gorgeous family during our Holiday in the Eastern Free State last week.  I could not resist taking a few photos of them at Verkykerskop -which is really a jewel.  Kinga has this beautiful blue eyes and this awesome red hair.  To die for.  Daphne & Harold I hope your family in the Netherlands would enjoy the peep into your lives at Verkykerskop. 

De Jager family

We've been friends for 22years.  Although we don't see each so often the last couple of years we are still in each others hearts.  My family and I visit the Free State for a week and spend last Sunday with Deon and his family.  It was also their 17th wedding anniversary.   17 years ago we were at their wedding and could not think of a better way to celebrate with them and take a few family pics of their gorgeous family.  Thank you Deon, Madelein & kids for spending the day with us.  Hope there is many more to come.  Cheers. 



Donè came with her friend Xander for an easter shoot.  Although she was very shy in the beginning she started to warm up towards the camera about 45min into the shoot.  We had a picnic with the easter egg bunny and she enjoyed playing tea party with Mom Thea. I really enjoy seeing them grow into their personalities and the fun and humor around these little ones.  Thank you Donè, Thea & Cornel for coming to my garden for a bunny picnic!




I had the privilige of taking photo's of this cute little boy since a turned 1 last year.  Always a shoot full of fun, giggles, laughter and boy stuff.  Being a mom for 2 busy boys myself I love boy stuff, to see how the grow, and just how that brain works.  It just tickles me.  Thank you Danelle & Xander for an awesome morning in my garden.

The la Grange family

Auret family

Ruan 4

Ruan celebrated his 4th b-day in February.  Mom Marinda is a very creative mom and the friends  was spoiled with a big jumping castle with dragon.  How cool is that! Lots to play with and party packs to dream of.  Happy b-day Ruan, lots of blessings and may you always bring a smile to everybody. 

The Simon's family

What a joy, to have this truly amazing family in my/our lives.  I could not wait to photograph them, to be part of this wonderful  experience.  Thank you Simone & Kendrick and the boys for letting me photograph the stork tea and at last the precious Rebecca Joy.  May she live up to her name and bring joy and all of us lives.  May she be blessed and a blessing for all of us. 

Marianne Cronje

Marianne was third in the 12 week challenge host by Healthy Ways and The Brain Surgeons Diet.  Her price was a shoot to show of the new Marianne.  Well done Marianne, you are a inspiration to many.  Keep it up. 
Her make-up was done by the very talented Johlene of More Beautiful You Make Up Artistry.

Janu is 4!

Janu is Simon's big brother and turned 4 just a week later.  Once again Antolette came up with an amazing party for 4 year olds.  This was a super hero and it was capes in different colours everywhere.  It was a hot hot day in Cape Town and the had this jumping castle cum slip-a-slide cum swimmingpool.  This was a hit, they enjoyed it so much they did not even think about eating thier party packs which was stock with every thing a 4 year old could dream of.  Happy birthday Janu may you always be joyfull and happy. 

Simon's 1'st birthday party

It was Simon's 1'st birthday party the 14th of January.  It was a costume party and, as you know this gives any party the wow factor.  The little ones came dressed as animals, the postmaster, fairies and even a surfer.  Mommy Antolette cater in all their playing and eating needs.  A party that will be remember for quite some time.  Happy Birthday Simon, hope there's many more to come. 

Auret family

I did the maternity shoot about a month ago and just could not wait for this little man to arrive.  Hello and welcome to our lives Wilhelm.  Wilhelm was just a week old when I had the privilege on Thursday to photograph him.  He was the perfect model.  Thank you Cornel & Pierre for sharing your beautiful boy with us.  On Monday we will have the 2 brothers also in the studio for a proper family pic. 

The Saunderson family

What a stunning family.  Welcome Ellè.  I believe you are going to grow up to be just as gorgeous as your Mom Hanli and the apple of Dad Oscar's eye.  Even big brother can't keep his eyes of you.  You are truly blessed.  May you grow up to be a Gods child, a blessing to all around you and spread the love that surround you. 

The Miller family

Wow what a stunning couple and beautiful little boy.  I did a couple of shoot with this couple and each time the photos turns out absolutely gorgeous.  Annestatia, William and Matthew thank you for a fun afternoon.  A festive season to you, God bless.  See you in the new year. 

Francisca & family

What a gorgeous family and waht fun we had in the studio.  Lenè is such a sweety, a real princess and mom & dad adore her.  Hope you will have a festive season, its your first as a new family.  Enjoy.

Baby Mikyla

Robyn sweet 16!!

Robyn celebrated her 16th birthday with her friends at a restaurant in The Paddock Milnerton. 

Donè's first birthday celebration
Donè is the beautiful girl of Cornel & Thea JordaanDonè may you always make us smile!


Auret Maternity Shoot

We have been friends for 10 years, what a honour to do this maternity shoot for them.  A lot has happened in the 10 years.  Babies, new careers ect. We can't wait for Wilhelm to join us.  Thankyou Cornel, Pierre, Andro & Jannes for sharing your lifes with us. 

Rossouw family

Heleen is turning 40 this Saturday.  We've been friends for 20 years and I could not think of a better way to celebrate this birthday of hers.  So here is a few gorgeous pics of a stunning family.  Happy b-day Heleen, may we be friends for another 20 odd years. 

Lehanri Matriekafskeid
Die pragtige Lehanri is 'n leerling by Brackenfell Hoërskool en sy en haar metgesel het hul Matriekafskeid by Paul Roos in Stellenbosch gelyk.  Die tweetjies lyk asemrowend in die pragtige pienk.

Ilse Ohlms Matriekafskeid

Die pragtige Ilse en haar metgesel Dexter is albei leerling van Hoërskool Stellenberg.  Die tweetjies het omtrent koppe laat draai in hul pragtige uitrustings.

Johlene & Deenash

Johlene is the lovely girl behind More Beautiful You - Makeup Artistry.  It was so much fun to do a couple shoot for this lovely couple.  Married for 20 months and still adore each other.  Thankyou guys for a fun morning and lots of laughs. 

Van Rensburg familie - Rugby Wêrelbeker 2011

Danelle was so oulik om vir hul almal dieselfde Bok hempies te koop.  Ons het 'n middag vol lag en pret gehad by Durbanville Rugby Klub waar ons die oulike foto's geneem het. 

Liza & Tonnie

If there's one thing that keeps me wondering it is the love language between a husband and a wife. Every couple got that something special, the way he/she smile at each other, that look in the eyes that nobody else understands, the way you hold hands.  I can carry on and on.  So every time I do a couple shoot I wonder about all these things.  Liza & Tonnie thank you for letting me do this lovely shoot for you.  May you fall in love all over again!!!

Johlene of More Beautiful You was responsible for making Liza look even more beautiful!

The Murphy Family
Wow, I just love families.  I don't know what it is but I adore each family I work with.  That special language between family members, that look, that laugh, the love. Maybe its just that; the love and life families live.  And when it comes to a new baby in a family I'm even more smitten.  Kevin, Arista, Reece and baby Jodi thank you for a lovely morning.  I enjoyed playing with tiny Jodi and the lovely Reece kept us laughing with her mimmi.  Hehehe.  Kevin & Arista may your girls bring love and laughter and joy to your lovely home.
Thank you to Johlene of More Beautiful You for making Arista looking absolutely gorgeous. 

Athea, Marco, Nathan en baba Abigail het gistermiddag bietjie by my kom kuier.  'n Heerlike middag waarin ek kon speel met die pragtige Abigail.  Nathan is Mr Cool en het tog te mooi geglimlag vir al die fototjies.  Baie geluk julle met pragtige Abigail, mag sy net vreugde en liefde virjulle 3 bring.  Dankie vir die wonderlike voorreg om jul familie te kon kiek.
Die mooi Anthea se grimering is gedoen deur Johlene van More Beautiful You.

du Plessis familie
Coreza se ma het gister haar 60'ste verjaardag gevier en hoe wonderlik om dit met jou kinders en kleinkinderste vier.  Ek is mal oor families, die interaksie, daardie X-faktor wat elke familie laat tiek.  Wat dit nog meer spesiaal maak is as mens deel in jou vriendin se vreugdes.  Baie dankie julle dit was weereens lekker om julle te kon kiek.  Kan nie wag vir Desember se foto's by die see nie. 

Die dames se grimering is gedoen deur Johlene van More Beatiful You.

Tarien en pragtige Mikyla
Die wonder van 'n baba bekoor my keer op keer.  Dis so 'n wonderlike voorreg om 'n ouer te kan wees.  Niks berei jou ooit daarop voor nie maar tog sal jy dit vir niks verruil nie.  Tarien baie dankie dat ek jou pragtige dogtertjie kon kieksy net vreugde in jou lewe bring, sin gee daaraan op 'n wyse wat jy nooit gedink het moontlik sal wees nie en jou altyd laat glimlag. 
Tarien se grimering is deur Johlene van More Beautiful You gedoen.

Breytenbach familie
Familie is vir my baie belangrik, die dat ek so mal is oor family shoots.  Die interaksie tussen familie.  Ek kan my verkyk daaraan.  As jy dit kan vasvang op 'n foto, vir ewig daardie spesiale oomblik tussen 'n ma en 'n kind, tussen 'n man en 'n vrou, tussen ouers en kinders.  Dis kosbaar en moet so gekoester word.  Bettie baie dankie dat ek 'n middag in jul lewe kon deurbring.  Dit was so lekker om saam met jul te speel en te kuier. 

Die Gerber familie
Dit was my derde shoot met hierdie stunning familie.  En ek weet regtig nie wat dit is nie maar elke keer is die foto's mooier as die vorige keer.  Ek en klein Anè speel elke keer SO lekker dat ek behoorlik nie kan wag tot die volgende keer nie. 

Die mooie Liane is nog mooier gemaak deur Johlene van More Beautiful You.

Tian - senior shoot

'n Mens kan nie glo hoe gou kinders groot nie en Tian is een van hulle.  Dit voel soos nou die dag wat hy nog met sy swaard agter sy hemp ingedruk het en op die dak geklim het.  Tian dankie dat ek jou kon kiek.  Jy is so 'n oulike ou,bly so! 

Bianca - senior shoot
Gister was 'n fantastiese dag in die Kaap, ongehoord vir die tyd van die jaar en dis pure lente. Bianca is 'n aspirant model en dit was vir my so lekker om met haar te werk.  Plat op die aarde en seker die maklikste model ooit.  Ons het baie pret gehad en die middag het behoorlik gevlieg.  Bianca mag al jou drome waar word en mag jy altyd so sprankel en nederig bly.

Bianca se grimering is gedoen deur Johlene van More Beautiful You.

Frances & Louis se troue
Eks mal oor troues.  By hierdie troue was ek 'n gas, en dit was nogal lekker om te sien hoe 'n ander fotograaf troues benader en wat vir elke fotograaf belangrik is.  Eks baie gesteld op detail en wil niks mis nie.  Seker my nuuskierige geaardheid.  So toe bruidegom Louis sy toespraak lewer kon ek die versoeking om 'n paar foto's te neem net nie weerstaan nie.  Dis vir my sulke spontane foto's, die manne wat sy siel uittrek en so lekker lag.  Absoluut priceless. 

Matthew's first birthday
Dit was my vierde shoot Sondag saam met William, Annestatia en klein Matthew.  Thanks guys - you're like family.  Ons het Matthew se eerste verjaardag gevier.  Ek hoop jul gaan die partytjie foto's baie geniet.  Kinderpartytjies is so 'n wonderlike geleentheid met energie, lewenslus en baie baie pret!!!

                                                                 Baard family
Jaco, Retha & Jane was my first official clients.  Wow and did we had fun with that first shoot.  Today, merely a year later, we had a follow up with Jane's cousin from Pretoria.  It was a warm sunny day in Cape Town today, perfect for a outdoor shoot.  The kids loved the spot, lots of investigating to do. So here it is.  Thanks guys for yet another fun shoot.  You guys rock!!!

                                                                  Young family

Hanna, Donovan and baby Anya came for a visit today and what better opportunity to take a few photos of their new family.  A new baby, a new family, a new life and new memories.  We've been friends for quite some time and it's such a pleasure welcoming Hanna & Donovan to parenthood!  I had so much fun playing with Anya and the boys want to know if Anya would mind being their cousin?
Hanna's make-up was done by Johlene of More Beautiful You      cell  071 448 7720
Hair by M


  1. Ag wow - Hanna en Don! Hierdie is pragtige fototjies en Anya lyk soos 'n regtig prinsessie. Sy is pragtig en fotos sal verseker moet geraam word - en groot daarby!!!

    M - jou fotos is pragtig en dit capture baie meer as 'n foto.

  2. Mariaan ek het seker vir amper 10 mense die foto's gewys vandag en almal is gaande daaroor :) Jy mag dalk 'n paar oproepe ontvang binne die volgende paar dae! Nogmaals dankie vir die wonderlike fote ervaring. Ons is mal daaroor!!

